Saturday, May 9, 2009

Off to Paris with You Go Girls!

Tomorrow (May 10) I am setting off on one of the most thrilling and long-awaited adventures of my life.... I am leaving for a week in Paris!!! I will be traveling with a small group of women on a trip that has been put together by You Go Girls, which I am so lucky to be an ambassador for. We will be doing all of the things that one must do in Paris. I will be taking pictures, of course, and some video, and when I get back, I will post a follow-up on the trip.
Until then, please take a look at their website -
They have a marvelous itinerary throughout the year, or if you prefer, they will even design a special trip just for you and your friends. What could be easier or more fun?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Spry Living Magazine

Heather Hummel and I are featured in Spry Living magazine this month. They did a terrific job!

Read the Article